jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Juicy Lucy - Get A Whiff A This (1971) (UK)

01. Mr.Skin (Jay Ferguson) - 3:44
02. Midnight Sun (Micky Moody/Paul Williams) - 3:40
03. Midnight Rider (Gregg Allman) - 3:12
04. Harvest (Bobby Darin) - 4:13
05. Mr.A.Jones (Paul Williams) - 3:04
06. Sunday Morning (James Thakitt/Paul Williams) - 3:48
07. Big Lil. (Micky Moody/Paul Williams) - 4:32
08. Jessica (Micky Moody/Paul Williams) - 4:04
09. Future Days (James Thakitt) - 4:05

- Paul Williams - lead vocals
- Chris Mercer - saxophone, piano, organ
- Micky Moody - guitar
- Rod Coombes - drums
- Jim Leverton - bass
- Glenn Ross Campbell - steel guitar

Contraseña: sam1957



miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Módulos - Módulos 4 (1974) (ES)

Grupo español de rock progresivo y sinfónico formado en Madrid en 1969. Sus componentes originales eran: Pepe Robles, Tomás Bohórquez, Juan Antonio García Reyzábal y Emilio Bueno. Editó cinco álbumes de estudio y varios singles. Se disolvió en 1979.

Módulos 4 (1974)

01 Para un mundo diferente
02 Sólo palabras
03 Al ponerse el sol
04 Cerca de las cinco
05 Tú eres tu mundo
06 Si tú no estás
07 Sigo siendo el niño
08 Tan solo tú
09 Para qué seguir
10 We've Got To Get Together
11 Luna de agosto

Contraseña: sam1957

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

Módulos - Variaciones (1971) (ES)

Excelente, unos de los mejores grupos españoles y actualmente más apreciado que en su momento.

1. Un nuevo día

2. Adiós al ayer
3. Solo tú
4. El bandolero
5. Quiero olvidar
6. El sonido del silencio
7. En mis sueños
8. Juan
9. Quisiera conseguir

Contraseña: sam1957


sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011

Victor y Diego - Todas sus grabaciones para Emi (1974-1976) (ES)

Víctor Manuel Martín Rubio y Jesús de Diego Nieto, VICTOR Y DIEGO, nacen en pleno corazón de Madrid, en los alrededores del Rastro. Víctor, en la calle de Toledo, en la casa que se edificó en el solar del que fuera Teatro de Novedades, frente al Mercado de la Cebada. Diego, en la calle de Rodas, perpendicular a la de Embajadores, donde vivió hasta que su familia se trasladó a la calle de San Cayetano, muy cercana a la anterior. Entablan amistad durante el Bachillerato en el Instituto de San Isidro pegado a la que entonces era la Catedral de Madrid. Un ambiente castizo, el de sus primeros años, que marcaría gran parte de las historias costumbristas que más tarde se verían reflejadas en su trabajo.
Además de estudios y barrio, compartían otra cosa; ambos querían tener un grupo. Estamos en 1.968 y en realidad, ése era el sueño de cualquier adolescente de la época. Víctor aprendía a tocar la guitarra robándole horas a los estudios y cantaba en el coro del Instituto. Diego dedicaba el tiempo a leer y a escribir sus primeros poemas. A la salida de clase, intercambiaban discos de los Beatles, los Stones, los Kinks, y pegaban la oreja al transistor para escuchar a Angel Alvarez, El Gran Musical...
Cuando terminan el Bachillerato se produce uno de esos lapsus que aparecerán durante toda su trayectoria. Diego comienza a trabajar como Técnico de iluminación en la compañía de Antonio Gades, de la que acabaría siendo durante un tiempo Director de Escena. Víctor por su parte, decide invertir las 300 pesetas que había conseguido juntar en matricularse en el Conservatorio de Música de Madrid.
En otoño de 1.973 ven el momento de mover el material. Antes incluso de grabar una maqueta, se presentan en las oficinas de la EMI, (había que probar primero en la discográfica de los Beatles) y allí les reciben con los brazos abiertos. Era un momento de entusiasmo en la música española: las compañías estaban hambrientas de grupos nuevos. Además, los cantautores eran un valor en alza: Serrat cantaba a Machado; Aute aparecía después de cinco años de silencio con sus "24 canciones breves"; y Solera, antecedente de CRA&G (Cánovas, Rodrigo, Adolfo y Guzmán), editaban su único disco.
Ramón Arcusa componente del Dúo Dinámico, en ese momento director artístico de EMI, y Luciano Fuentes, director de marketing de la Compañía, depositan la confianza en ellos animándoles a grabar una maqueta que contendrá una versión de "La mujer de cristal". Tras la maqueta, llega el disco. Producido por Ramón Arcusa y grabado en los estudios de la EMI de Barcelona (¡con equipo técnico procedente de Londres!), el álbum consigue su objetivo: sonar como si VÍCTOR Y DIEGO estuvieran cantando junto a la chimenea del viejo caserón. "Semblanzas" es además uno de los discos más baratos de la época. Con todas las guitarras grabadas en directo, el dúo registró los 12 temas en 2 días. El tiempo de grabación total, incluidos los arreglos de Arcusa no pasó de la semana.

CD 1
01 La Mujer De Cristal
02 Lord Gris
03 Tiempo De Amor
04 Tu Cabello
05 Solterías
06 Historia De Un Historiador
07 Mi Escuela
08 Consejos
09 Escúchate
10 En El Día De La Fiesta
11 Les He Oído Decir
12 El Afilador
13 El Parque
Playing Time : 48:19
CD 2
01 A Vosotros
02 El Frutero
03 Oda A La Integridad
04 Un Día En La Vida De Una Adolescente
05 Ya No Es El Que Era Ayer
06 Canción Última
07 A La Altura Del Viento
08 Quisiera
09 Juegos De Acción
10 Tema Del Vengador
11 Mi Amada Bienve
12 Amoríos Manchegos
13 Flor De Barrio
14 Mujer
Playing Time : 58:54
Contraseña: sam1957


jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Sweet d'Buster - Sweet d'Buster (1976) (HOL)

Bertus Borgers (saxophone, vocals),
Herman Deinum (bass),
Hans Lafaille (drums, 1975-78),
Robert-Jan Stips (keyboards, vocals, 1976-78),
Paul Smeenk (guitar),

01 - One Way Or Another
02 - Tip Of My Tongue
03 - You're Gonna Be A Winner
04 - Minutes (Have Come To A Chain)
05 - Bread
06 - Ready For Love
07 - Magic Moment
08 - Going Nowhere

Contraseña: sam1957



viernes, 13 de mayo de 2011

Diana Express - Diana Express (1974) (BUL)

Formed 1974, Sofia, Bulgaria

01 Diana Express - Diana Express
02 Diana Express - Bez teb
03 Diana Express - Malka Pesen
04 Diana Express - Horovod
05 Diana Express - Da i ne
06 Diana Express - Balada
07 Diana Express - Majchitse svjata
08 Diana Express - Rodopchnka

Contraseña: sam1957



jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Traffic - Mr. Fantasy (1967) (UK)

1. Heaven Is In Your Mind
2. Berkshire Poppies
3. House For Everyone
4. No Face, No Name, No Number
5. Dear Mr. Fantasy
6. Dealer
7. Utterly Simple
8. Coloured Rain
9. Hope I Never Find Me There
10. Giving To You

Jim Capaldi – drums, percussion, vocals
Dave Mason – guitar, mellotron, sitar, tambura, shakkai, bass guitar, vocals
Steve Winwood – organ, guitar, bass guitar, piano, harpsichord, percussion, vocals
Chris Wood – flute, saxophone, organ, percussion and vocals, sleeve design

Contraseña: sam1957



jueves, 28 de abril de 2011

Thunderhead - Thunderhead (1975) (US)

01 Busted in Georgia
02 Lay It On the Line
03 Showdown
03 Hit and Run Driver
04 Breaux Bridge Rag
05 Juliette
06 Armed Robbery
07 More Than I Can Chew
08 Rock Me, Roll Me

Mike Dagger - Vocals
Bobby Torello - Drums
Jeremy Barrett - Guitar
Chris Bickley - Guitar
Eric Klaastad - Bass

Contraseña: sam1957



jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Crystalaugur - Terranaut (1973) (US)

Vuelto a subir por un error en el enlace. (Aviso, enlaces caducados no se vuelven a subir)

The story of Crystalaugur is a strange one: the obscure Native American band Crystalaugur recorded this album in Singapore between 1972 and 1973, orginally pressing a mere 200 copies for a private label (Warped Rec) and the ridiculously small pressing made the original album an unbelievable rarity. The fuzz guitar and space rock vocals definitely put this LP in the psychedelic realm with an interesing primitive backdrop.



01 Terranaut 5:18
02 I'll Remember 4:07
03 Cosmic Journey 4:21
04 You've Got to Rap 3:11
05 Uppachit Creek 2:22
06 Easy Term Pleasure 4:41
07 Pam's Song 4:42
08 Number 4 5:00
09 Goodbye 1:25

Contraseña: sam1957



viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Lani Smith - Jubilation (Opera Rock) (1972) (US)

Similar estilo a Godspell y Jesus Christ Superstar

01. Jubilation!

02. Just Between You And Me

03. The Gospel story

04. Jesus Child

05. John Was A Preacher Man

06. Jesus And Satan

07. Preaching The Kingdom

08. Well Now, I Already Know All Those Things

09. The Sacrifice

10. But Why Did He Have To Die

11. The Heavenly King

12. I Begin To See

13. Reality

14. If Jesus Hadn’t Risen

15. Rushing Wind And Tongues Of Fire

16. Jubilation! Reprise

Contraseña: sam1957



jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Araconga - Araconga (1975) (FRA)

01 - Conga Verde
02 - Soft Sestoons
03 - Bad beat Boys
04 - Yoruba's Dilemma
05 - Calypsun
06 - Abaniquito
07 - Rachah
08 - Steel lungs
09 - Sambeamos

Contraseña: sam1957



jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Too Much - Too Much (1971) (JAP)

Juni Lush (vocals)
Tstomu Ogawa, aka Junio Nakahara (guitar)
Masayuki Aoki (bass)
Hideya/Shuye Kobayashi (drums)

01 - Grease It Out
02 - Love That Binds Me
03 - Love Is You
04 - Reminiscence
05 - I Shall Be Released
06 - Gonna Take You
07 - Song For My Lady (Now I Found)

Contraseña: sam1957



miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

Relax - Padre (1977) (ARG)

Relax - Padre

01 Al umbral del futuro
02 Correr del tiempo
03 Padre un amigo que se fue
04 Ganar el sol
05 Fruto de un deseo
06 Esencia real

Contraseña: sam1957



miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Wah Wah Watson - Elementary (1976) (US)

01 Goo Goo Wah Wah
02 Love My Blues Away
03 Cry Baby
04 My Love For You Comes And Goes
05 Together (Whatever)
06 Sunset Boulevard
07 Love Ain't Somethin' (That You Get For Free)
08 I'll Get By Without You
09 Bubbles
10 Good Friends

Arranged By [Orchestra], Conductor - Bob Manchurian , Dale Warren
Bass - Louis Johnson
Clavinet [Hohner D6] - John Barnes
Drums - Ollie Brown
Engineer - David Rubinson , Fred Catero
Engineer [Assistant] - Susie Foot* , Tim Kramer
Guitar - Ray Parker, Jr.*
Mastered By [Mastering Engineer] - George Horn , Phil Brown
Photography - Herb Greene
Piano - Clarence McDonald , Joe Sample
Piano, Electric Piano [Rhodes], Synthesizer [Arp 2600] - Sonny Burke (2)
Producer - David Rubinson & Friends, Inc.*
Producer, Vocals, Guitar, Synthesizer [Maestro Universal Synthesizer System], Talkbox [Voice Bag], Electronics [Echoplex, Maestro Sample And Hold Unit], Effects [Boomerang Wah Wah] - Wah Wah Watson*
Vocals - Waters Family, The*

Contraseña: sam1957



viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Crack - Day Of Doom (1976) (US)

A1 Early Riser 4:03
A2 The Sailor Song 6:05
A3 Evil and Cruel 6:15
B1 Day of Doom 4:45
B2 Andrea 2:22
B3 Earth 4:07
B4 Me and My Momma 3:33
B5 The Brighter Side 3:12

Contraseña: sam1957



viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Little Free Rock - Time Is Of No Consequence (1969-71) (UK)

1 Little Free Rock - Money On Your Mind 4:19
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
2 Little Free Rock - Evil Woman 4:33
Written-By - Frank Newbold , Peter Illingworth
3 Little Free Rock - Time Is Of No Consequence 5:08
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
4 Little Free Rock - Tiego 4:13
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
5 Little Free Rock - Talking To The Trees 3:45
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
6 Little Free Rock - Big Bird 4:00
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
7 Little Free Rock - Money On Your Mind 4:37
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
8 Little Free Rock - Evil Woman 4:33
Written-By - Frank Newbold , Peter Illingworth
9 Little Free Rock - Time Is Of No Consequence (No Vocals) 5:07
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
10 Purple Haze (4) - Roman Sumer Nights 2:32
Written-By - Frank Newbold
11 Purple Haze (4) - Wait A While 2:17
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
12 Purple Haze (4) - Blud 3:50
Written-By - Peter Illingworth
13 Purple Haze (4) - Dream 2:24
Written-By - Frank Newbold
14 Purple Haze (4) - Evil Woman 2:47
Written-By - Frank Newbold , Peter Illingworth

Bass - Frank Newbold (tracks: 10 to 14) , John Taylor (17) (tracks: 1 to 9)
Drums - Paul Varley
Guitar - Peter Illingworth
Percussion - Eric Carboo (tracks: 1 to 9)

Contraseña: sam1957



viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Little Free Rock - Little Free Rock (1969) (UK)

Here is all you wanted to know about this Heavy Rock Trio from Preston in Lancashire, England. Peter Illingworth, Lead Guitar and Vocals, Paul Varley, Drums and Frank Newbold, Bass Guitar and Vocals.

Their Eponymous Album was released in November 1969, and they were an evolution of Purple Haze whose psychedelic nuances created great interest from their conception in early 1968. Purple Haze were a highly respected three piece outfit formed originally performing covers of songs from bands like The Who, Creation, Tomorrow etc but quickly developing a style and presentation of their own. To avoid association with Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze, the name was changed to Little Free Rock from the meaning of their names. Paul means 'Little', Frank means 'Free' and Peter the 'Rock'.

Little Free Rock went on to work with Ginger Johnson's African Drummers, whose appearance with the Rolling Stones at the 1969 Hyde Park Concert in Sympathy for the Devil has created much interest. Drummers who appeared from time to to included Gaspar Lawal (Ginger Baker's Airforce), Remi Salaka (Rolling Stones), Speedy Aquay (Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames), Lofty and Mac Tonto (Osibisa), and 'Lord' Eric Carboo. On one occasion at the Chalk Farm Roundhouse there were 26 African Drummers and a Witchdoctor.

The band performed regularly at the Roundhouse Sunday Night 'Implosion' Events and had numerous residencies at the Wardour Street Marquee Club. As well as performing all over Belgium, Continental Trips included the Star Club in Hamburg, Essen Jazz and Blues Festival, and festivals in Frankfurt, San Tropez and Santa Margarita de la Costa in Italy.

CBS and Warner Brothers were becoming exceedingly interested in this new Afro Rock but only six weeks after the release on the LFR Album, Transatlantic started Breach of Contract proceedings. When CBS and Warner Brothers heard this they backed off, however, CBS said that the band was too much like Santana, whom they already represented. Unfortunately, LFR were then unable to record for Transatlantic or anyone else for that matter, which was sad as the original Contract was for 6 Albums over a three year period.

Peter Green (Fleetwood Mac) joined the band for a short period, with gigs arranged at The Marquee and The Lyceum, and invited LFR to perform on sessions for his Solo Album. Sadly, after only one gig at a club called The Night Angel Club in Soho, Peter decided that he was having too much hassle with Ginger Johnson about fees for the recording and he backed out. The tracks were never released.

The Little Free Rock Album which was released in late 1969 and has also been released on CD by LINE Records in Hamburg. CD Number TACD 9.00633. Another CD has been release featuring demos and other unreleased tracks, some which were recorded at the transition point from Purple Haze to Little Free Rock, however they are credited to the latter. They are available on the Little Free Rock ‘Time is of no Consequence’ CD on World Wide Records, a division of SPM (Berlin). CD Number SPM-WWR-CD-0020.

The Little Free Rock Story by Peter Illingworth

Our band Purple Haze had reached a crossroads in our career, and we had gone about as far as we could go in Lancashire.

A girlfriend of mine, Linda Taylor, had a book on the meaning of names. She told me that Paul meant ‘Little’, Frank meant ‘Free’ and Peter meant ‘Rock’, so that’s how the new name came about. It also symbolised the kind of Free Rock Music that we were creating. I suppose the 'Little' portion suggested humility and for all that, we were kind-of humble. It's difficult to keep your feet on the ground when everything is going fantastically. For me also the name sounded like a Red Indian name, so, with all the imagery that that suggested we became Little Free Rock.

We had beginnings and ends to songs, whether they were our songs or other peoples, but what happened in the middle was a different nightly experience, so we were inventing and experimenting every time we played. It was fun. Obviously sometimes better than others, but only ourselves would really know that I guess.

Frank and I had been doing some writing and between us we got together about five new songs and soon to be Manager Eddie Sandham booked a cheap Demo Studio at Hendon for about £10 an hour. The tracks were Roman Summer Nights, Wait a While, Blud, Dream and Evil Woman. The engineer was rather heavy on the echo, but in retrospect, I like these better than the versions on the actual Little Free Rock Album which was released in late 1969. These tracks now appear on the Little Free Rock ‘Time is of no Consequence’ CD on World Wide Records, a division of SPM (Berlin). CD Number SPM-WWR-CD-0020. The CD features demos and other unreleased tracks and were recorded at the transition point from Purple Haze to Little Free Rock, however they are credited to the latter. The original Little Free Rock Album has also been released on CD by LINE Records in Hamburg. CD Number TACD 9.00633.

We had a gig at the prestigious Preston Public Hall which is now sadly closed forever, and we were surrounded by everyone who was anyone on the scene in Preston. It had been a momentous night with the lights and explosions and a fantastic atmosphere. I think it was at this gig that Eddie announced that Transatlantic had listened to our demos, were interested in us and wanted to come and see us playing live. It was a case of do or die! Now or Never!!! We'd gone about as far as we could in Lancashire anyway!

As we always enjoyed our Connah’s Quay Civic Hall Gigs we invited them to see us there, and Transatlantic's A&R Man, John Whitehead and Keith Bleasby the Distribution Manager duly came to see us perform, and offered us a Recording Contact!

Go To Little Free Rock Part I by Peter Illingworth


01 Roman Summer Nights
02 Lost Lonely
03 Blud
04 Castles In The Sky
05 Dream
06 Tingle
07 Evil Woman
08 Age Of Chivalry
09 Making Time

Contraseña: sam1957



sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Mainhorse - Mainhorse (1971) (SUI - UK - US)

01.Introduction (5:09)
02.Passing Years (3:55)
03.Such a Beautiful Day (4:44)
04.Pale Sky (10:17)
05.Basia (5:32)
06.More Tea Vicar (3:33)
07.God (10:31)

*Warren Bernhardt: piano
*Patrick Moraz: keyboards, vocals
*Peter Cockett: guitar, violin, vocals
*Bryson Graham: percussion, drums
*Jean Ristori: bass, cello. vocals
*Peter Lockett: guitar, violin, vocals

Contraseña: sam1957



sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

Crystal Mansion - Crystal Mansion (1969) (US)

01 For The First Time
02 I Used To Be A Boy
03 Everything’s In Love Today
04 Country
05 Hallelujah
06 Somethin’ For You
07 The Thought Of Loving You
08 And It Takes My Breath Away
09 Barbara
10 Wishful Thinking
11 Rhapsody
12 Goin’ To The Fields

Contraseña: sam1957



sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

A Foot In Coldwater - A Foot In Coldwater (1972) (CAN)

1 - On The Wind
2 - Yalla Yae
3 - Deep Freeze
4 - (Make Me Do) Anything You Want
5 - Who Can Stop Us Now
6 - Alone Together
7 - Fallen Man
8 - In Heat
9 - Lady True

Contraseña: sam1957



sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

Pata Negra - Blues de la Frontera (1987) (ES)

1- Bodas de sangre
2- Blues de la frontera
3- Pasa la vida
4- Yo me quedo en Sevilla
5- How high the moon
6- Camarón
7- Calle Betis
8- Lindo gatito
9- Lunático

Contraseña: sam1957



sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Fleetwood Mac - Mystery To Me (1973) (UK)

1. "Emerald Eyes" (Bob Welch)
2. "Believe Me" (Christine McVie)
3. "Just Crazy Love" (C. McVie)
4. "Hypnotized" (Welch)
5. "Forever" (Bob Weston, John McVie, Welch)
6. "Keep on Going" (Welch)
7. "The City" (Welch)
8. "Miles Away" (Welch)
9. "Somebody" (Welch)
10. "The Way I Feel" (C.McVie)
11. "For Your Love" (Graham Gouldman)
12. "Why" (C.McVie)

Fleetwood Mac

Bob Welch – electric guitar, acoustic guitar, lead and backing vocals
Bob Weston – electric guitar, slide guitar, acoustic guitar, backing vocals
Christine McVie – keyboards, lead and backing vocals
John McVie – bass guitar
Mick Fleetwood – drums, percussion

Contraseña: sam1957



viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

The Invaders - Spacing Out (1970) (Bermuda)

John Burch - Guitar
Stan Gilbert - Bass
Mike Stowe - Drums
Ralph Richardson - Trumpet
Lloyd Williams - Saxophone, Flute
Sturgis Griffin Jr. - Congas
Jean Paul Salvatori - Producer

A1 It's Your Thing
A2 Lost Time
A3 The House That Jack Built
A4 Look A Py Py
A5 Bossa Blue
B1 Spacing Out
B2 Where We Are
B3 Latin Lips
B4 It's Your Thing Part 2

Contraseña: sam1957




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